Sunday, February 14, 2016

Management Information System

Mata kuliah Sistem Informasi merupakan salah satu mata kuliah wajib bagi mahasiswa Teknik Industri Universitas Indonesia. Mata kuliah ini dapat diambil di semester 6, dengan syarat telah lulus mata kuliah Organisasi dan Psikologi Industri sebelumnya. 

Berikut detail mata kuliah Sistem Informasi :
Nama Mata Kuliah : Sistem Informasi - 02 
Kode Mata Kuliah : ENIE600024
Kode Kurikulum :
Untuk Term : 6
Jumlah SKS : 3 SKS
Jadwal Mata Kuliah : Selasa 16.00-18.30, K106 - Teknik
Pengajar : Dr. Ir. M. Dachyar, M.Sc. dan Novandra Rhezza Pratama, S.T., M.T.

Deskripsi Mata Kuliah
Pengantar Sistem Informasi Manajemen.  MIS/IT Sebagai Keunggulan kompetitif.  IT and Electronic Commerce.  Database dan Database Manajemen.  System Analysis and Design.  MIS dan Hubungannya dengan RQM dan QS.  CBIS. Accounting Information System.  Decision Support System.  Executive Information System.  Marketing, Manufacturing Information System.  Financial, Human Resource Information System.

Teknologi dan sistem informasi sudah sangat berkembang dan dibutuhkan oleh setiap pekerjaan. Mata kuliah ini saya ambil untuk memperluas wawasan mengenai hal tersebut. Ilmu ini begitu erat dengan operasi dan manajemen yang sangat dibutuhkan oleh lulusan Teknik Industri kelak. Selain itu, mata kuliah ini di dukung oleh laboratorium Management Information System (MIS) Universitas Indonesia, serta memberi wawasan menggunakan software pendukung Oracle. 


This first post will be about myself, so you can get to know me a little bit better :)

My full name is Ritsah Qur'anis, often called by my friends as Ritsah. The unique thing is, my family call me Nanda. This is because my mom used to name me Nanda Ritsah Qur'anis, but then changed my name right before she applied me to pre-school. I was born in February 6th 1996, and is the youngest in my family. I am currently a third-year student of Universitas Indonesia, majoring in Industrial Engineering. I always aim to do best at everything i do, because i hate disappointing people who trusts me. I also want to keep my life full of joy and excitements, so i keep surrounding myself with plenty things i love and avoid being dragged to something i hate doing. 

I have interests in movies and musics. I have been involved a few times in making short films and video clips before, as an art director. As for music, besides listening to it, i also love singing and playing instruments such as guitar and ukulele, even though i am not really good at it. These two are my hobbies. And as for my goals in life, i want to be an entrepreneur. As i graduated from college, i would seek for a job, while starting to build my own restaurants or other businesses. 

I am not a good blogger, so please pardon my writing skills. I made this blog for Management Information System subject i currently take in 6th semester. For further posts, i will be writing a lot about what i got from this subject. So, hopefully i can give valuable informations and my writing skill will improve. Enjoy reading this blog!